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Draft FNP for Mussel Seed Castlemaine Harbour 2024-2029

Notice of Consultation

Draft Fisheries Natura Plan (FNP) for Mussel Seed (Mytilus edulis) in Castlemaine Harbour 2024-2029 and associated assessment documents

A consultation is underway on a draft Fisheries Natura Plan (FNP) for Mussel Seed (Mytilus edulis) in Castlemaine Harbour 2024-2029 and associated documents, including a draft Appropriate Assessment report prepared by the Marine Institute.

The draft Fisheries Natura Plan was developed on behalf of industry by the Secretariat of the Bottom Grown Mussel Consultative Forum (BGMCF) in consultation with Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), and industry members of the Bottom Grown Mussel Consultative Forum. It follows on from the previous eight-year Fisheries Natura Plan that came into effect in 2016.

The draft Appropriate Assessment report has been prepared by the Marine Institute (MI) in keeping with S.I. No. 290 of 2013 (European Union (Birds and Natural Habitats) (Sea-fisheries) Regulations 2013) and  S.I. No. 477 of 2011 as relevant (European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011) (as amended).

The draft Fisheries Natura Plan and associated documents can be viewed at the following links:

Online:    If you wish to respond to this consultation, you are invited to complete same online here.  

Please note: The survey will not operate correctly using Internet Explorer. To participate in the survey, you should use a different browser.

The completed Consultation Document can also be returned via email or post. You can download and complete the Consultation Document, which is available at the link below:



(with the subject line “Draft Fisheries Natura Plan for Mussel Seed in Castlemaine Harbour 2024-2029”)

Post to:        Draft FNP for Mussel Seed in Castlemaine Harbour 2024-2029
Marine Programmes Division
Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine
National Seafood Centre
Co Cork, P85 TX47

Enquiries concerning this consultation can be made to

The closing date for submissions is 29 July 2024.


Freedom of Information

All submissions and comments submitted to the Department for this purpose are subject to release under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2014 and the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007- 2014. Submissions are also subject to Data Protection legislation.

Personal, confidential or commercially sensitive information should not be included in your submission, and it will be presumed that all information contained in your submission is releasable under the Freedom of Information Act 2014.

Data Protection

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine is collecting this data for the Consultation on the draft Fisheries Natura Plan (FNP) for Mussel Seed in Castlemaine Harbour 2024-2029 and associated assessment documents. This data will be processed in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR EU 2016/679), the Data Protection Acts 1988-2018, the Freedom of Information Act 2014 and the DPER Consultation Principles and Guidance. Any additional personal data received as part of your submission will not be processed, shared, or retained and will be destroyed upon receipt. Publication to the Departments website of personal data associated with submissions will only take place where permission is received to do this. Further information on Data Protection can be found on our website - gov - Data Protection (

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The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and employs appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your information from unauthorised access. The Department will not process your personal data for any purpose other than that for which it was collected. Personal data may be exchanged with other Government Departments, local authorities, agencies under the aegis of the Department, or other public bodies, in certain circumstances where this is provided for by law.

The Department will only retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and subsequently processed. When the business need to retain this information has expired, it will be examined with a view to destroying the personal data as soon as possible, and in line with Department policy.  


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